English Language Learners

This handy list of cognates (words similar in different languages) can help students with a Spanish background learn some English, and vice versa.

Published in Teaching Tools

The stages are grouped into three phases: Observation and imitation, single word and phrase use, and initial understanding of grammatical rules

Published in Language Arts

Strategies to support children's progress across eight general Domains of learning and development.  The strategies highlighted here are helpful when planning for culturally and lingistically diverse children and ensuring the progress of English language learners.  

Published in Language Arts

Worksheet of tips and hints for working with english language students: Do not assume that the child understands what you say.  Accompany your words with pictures, gestures, and movements that will help to convey your meaning.  

Published in Language Arts

Participant's Guide: Navigating Content for English Language Learners

Published in Language Arts