Words ending in -sk, -sp, -st, such as just, dusk, wasp, mask, crisp, fast...
Words ending with -sk, -sp, -st, such as just, dusk, wasp, mask, crisp, fast, lisp, musk, desk...
Words include lamp, must, soft, frost, past, test, bulk, pond...
Words ending with -ft, -pt, -lt, and -st, such as fast, slept, last, loft, wilt, bolt...
Words ending with -mp, -nd, -nt, such as lamp, chimp, stomp, and, kind, mint, band, front, stump...
Words ending with lf, lp, lk, and lt, such as talk, gulp, wilt, help, milk, half, self, pulp, kelp...
Free printable worksheet for learning ending blends: _m, _p, _mp
Words ending in -nk and -ng, such as thank, wing, long, bunk, think, bring, sang, hung, honk...
Words ending with n, g, and ng, including long, win, wing, van, tag, ten, pin, hung, drug...
Words ending with n, d, and nd, including pond, son, bed, pen, pod, mud, kid, end, Chad...
Words ending in n, k, and nk, such as son, peek, chin, beak, bunk, pink, fun, week, cheek...
Words ending in n, t, and nt, such as but, chin, out, hen, mint, ant, front, get, pen.
Words ending with m, p, and mp, such as camp, slim, stomp, am, chimp, gum, chop, sap, gap...