Language stimulation techniques, scaffolding strategies, dialogic storybook reading
Monitor your child's development with this reference.
Stages of Math Development: Guide for parents
Scribbling Stage
Preschematic Stage
Schematic Stage
Child Development Assessment for Parents is a document laying out the process of assessing a child's development. It has different assessment activities as well as detailed information on the process.
Four pages of general accomplishments related to a child's literacy success. First two pages are broken down by age; last two pages break down writing and reading development into stages of skill.
Caring for preschool children:
What preschool children are like - how teachers can use this information to promote communication.
This visual shows that, while it may only look like playing to the untrained eye, young children benefit more from play than formal instruction.
For parents: stages of reading development
For parents: stages of motor development
For parents: stages of social development
The following is a list of all speech sounds and the age at which they normally develop.
Developing speech and language skills is a difficult task. It is natural for young children to make mistakes in the process of learning to speak. Most children eventually drop errors in their speech and develop normal speech patterns. Some children continue to make errors beyond the age when other children have mastered those sounds. It may be time to show concern if you observe one or more of the following...
Teaching strategies and objectives
For parents: stages of musical development
Parents often ask about warning signs of speed and/or language problems. This list provides some warning signs that parents can refer to when observing their children's speech and language skills.
Learning sounds at home, outside, on the road, and supermarket.
Social-emotional behavioral development in young children changes by age. This shows how to evaluate children from the age of 2-5 years old. The changing behaviors are listed.
Powerpoint presentation with information about fine and gross motor skills: