Day Care

Determine a child's literacy skills with this two-page form.

Published in Teaching Tools

Analyze a child's initiation of an activity, their attention span, curiousity, frustration tolerance, relationship with teacher, acceptance of routines and limits, reactions to adults other than teacher, and interactions with other children.

Published in Teaching Tools

This sign informs anyone looking for the children that they are on a walk with the teacher.

Published in Teaching Tools

This sign is a polite reminder to anyone around that children are napping.

Published in Teaching Tools

This sign informs parents, other teachers, or administrators that the class is outside on the playground.

Published in Teaching Tools

A simple sign letting others know class is in session and children are learning.

Don't forget to check out our other signs!

Published in Teaching Tools

This sheet is a great way to communicate with parents about their child's day.

Published in Teaching Tools