This checklist shows different activities appropriate for 3-year-olds. Activities included are for fine motor skills, gross motor skills, cognition and language skills. Activities planned for young children should be meaningful, open-ended and require active involvement for children.

Published in Teaching Tools

Checklist for appropriate practice for work with 3 year olds: puzzles, pegboards, crayons; trikes and wagons, blocks, scoops, toys with knobs and latches, dramatic play props...

Published in Teaching Tools

This checklist contains work and activities that are appropriate for 4–5-year-olds. It focuses on experiences that meet physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs.  

Published in Teaching Tools

This curriculum is designed to meet physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of children 5-8-years-old. It will help the students learn how to learn and to establish a pattern of lifelong learning.

Published in Teaching Tools