ash - ish - ush

mush - rush - dash

cash - mash - fish

dish - swish - bash

lash - rash - brush

wish - hush - lush

Published in Language Arts

ack - uck - ick - ock

block - back - rock

rack - duck -wick

sick - pick - dock

suck - sack - Jack

tack - kick - sock

tick - luck - lock

crack - lick - tuck

buck - muck - knock

Published in Language Arts

lick - fist - swish

twist - fill - mist

pill - kick - list

dish - mill - will

sick - tick - pick

trick - fish - wrist

bill - drill - wish

Published in Language Arts

These cards have pictures and words that help reinforce the ending /k/ sound in CVC, CVCC, CVVC, and CVCe words.

Published in Language Arts

ell - end - ent - est

test - tell - rent

dent - mend - best

sell - sent - fell

lend - fend - rest

nest - bent - pest

shell - went - bell

bend - well - send

tend - lent - vest

Published in Language Arts

gust - rust - fist

wrist - test - rest

best - dust - just

must - mist - nest

pest - vest

list - bust

Published in Language Arts

ack - and - rush

rack - tack - back

dash - sand - grand

band - sack - lash

pack - mash - hand

sash - stand - shack

land- cash - rash

Published in Language Arts

uck - ump - unk - ust

hunk - duck - must

gust - dunk - puck

luck - dump - rust

bump - junk - hump

buck - suck - dust

tuck - trunk - pump

lump - jump - trust

bunk - sunk - just

Published in Language Arts

band - sand - brand 

blend - lend - send

land - hand - grand

mend - tend - bend

Published in Language Arts

rack - tack - back

dash - sand - grand

band - sack - lash

pack - mash - hand

sash - stand - shack

land - cash - rash

Published in Language Arts

ock - og - ot

jog - hog - sock

lock - clock - hot

not - log - frog

rock - pot - lot

dog - fog - block

dock - got - cot

Published in Language Arts


