This CVC activity includes 8 different CVC words with a spooky theme.
This engaging activity is perfect for individual practice, small groups, or literacy centers. Use to reinforce letters and letter sounds for emergent readers.
Students will read CVC words and then lift up the flap to reveal a picture of the word. Pictures are in color and black and white. Words include: cat, jam, cap, bat, map, ham, cab.
This bundle lets children manipulate words and practice the magic of spelling while reinforcing letters and their sounds.
wag - tap - tab
cap - sap - sag
bag - cab - lab
nap - rag - map
nap - gap - lag
tag - dab - jab
dog - rig - dug
wig - jog - log
mug - fig - pig
rag - hog - rug
nag - tag - sag
dig - big - tug
wag - bog - bag
fog - bug - hug
jam - ham - vat
ban - cat - dad
mat - mad - sad
tan - yam - Sam
dam - sat - can
pad - van - bad
pan - rat - man
bat - ram - had
nap - hip - hop
tip - zip - map
mop - top - lop
sap - gap - sip
dip - pop - cap
tap - rip - sop
run - tin - nun
can - den - Ben
men - pin - fun
van - hen - pan
ten - win - kin
bin - fin - pun
tan - bun - ban
pen - man - sun
Build a word using CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant). Any combination!
Bonus: Choose 3 of the words above and draw a picture for each word on the back of your paper.
Free worksheet for learning CVC words:
jam - ham - vat
ban - cat - dad
mat - mad - sad
tan - yam - Sam
dam - sat - can
pad - van - bad
pan - rat - man
bat - ram - had