
Story sequencing is an important skill for students to practice.  Helps improve comprehension.

Published in Reading

Use this character web to help students develop a better understanding of the character and their traits.

Published in Reading

Use this handy character web to analyze and provide examples of the character's personality, things and/or people that are important to the character, and any changes that happen to them.

Published in Reading

Multiple choice reading test for Rikki Tiikki Tavi: Vocabulary, comprehension

Published in Reading

Enhance your students' comprehension abilities with these activities.

Verbally read the story "Abby's Ice Cream" and follow up with the other two pages.
Note: Younger students may need help reading the questions on the Story Recall Map.

Published in Reading

Plan your own story by writing the different parts on each shape.

Published in Reading

Help students remember the important part of a story with this worksheet.

Published in Reading

It's been SO LONG since I've done a blog post!

Published in Blog

For Parents with children in 2nd or 3rd grade.

Details on what your child is learning about comprehension and more during these grades.

Published in For Parents

Use this heart-shaped story map with or without the book.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

17 page packet: vocabulary words, reading comprehension, activities and worksheets.  Book by John Reynolds Gardiner

Published in Reading

Tell the child that you are going to read a story and then ask him or her some questions about it. 

Passage: David is a clown. He works at a circus.  David takes a long time to get ready for each circus show...

Published in Teaching Tools

Listening comprehension is an important skill to learn. This page will start students on the right track. The teacher will read the passage than ask the students questions about what they heard.

Published in Teaching Tools

Counting, reading, writing, comprehension, understanding, shapes, calculator usage.

Published in Teaching Tools