Review color words and shapes while testing students' ability to follow directions.
Do your students know Spanish color words? Find out by having them color this labeled picture!
100 items to color - great to use for the 100th day of school or for anything involving one hundred. Challenge students to color, count, and record how many of each object they find!
Cut out these bold letters to add some color to your alphabet. Could be used along with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom to decorate your coconut tree.
Color words are written inside different leaves. Students color in the leaves with the appropriate color.
Winter is finally here -- seriously! It was 10 degrees out this morning! Ugh! Anyway, now that I can't get G out to the playground and running around outside as often, I started prepping some games to play.
So G really wanted to do a “rain craft” today, but ughhh Monday…. I didn’t feel like scraping glue off the table or scrubbing paint when we were done, so I pulled out this super simple SCIENCE idea that I’ve been saving for a while.
Use the checklist to determine different areas of development. Areas include:
G & I were doing some crafts this morning, and I had a bunch of extra office supply dot stickers out....soooo I decided to give her a fun little pre-writing activity to do with our leftover dots!
A spooky twist to a favorite classic, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, uses the repetition of the book to reinforce colors and color words.
Have children follow the directions and color the shapes. Can be used to assess shape or color word identification.
Today we tried out ice cube painting and it was AWESOME. They are a cool twist on traditional watercolors. Plus, this is a perfect activity for those HOT summer days.
Color the shapes to finish the picture.
Children discern upper- and lowercase letter Aa.
I love puzzles - they're great tool to help teach tots about shapes, problem solving, fine motor, etc. but let's face it -- puzzles don't get the attention they deserve.
This book is a great way to review color words with children.
Colors included are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and black.
Book provides words only. Children draw and color the appropriate balloon on each page.
Ok so this one was SUPER easy but requires a little planning ahead. Today G did ice painting! It was so fun and super simple!
If you are looking for a super simple but fun St. Patrick's Day art project - HERE YOU GO!
A great follow up to Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (by Bill Martin Jr. / Eric Carle), or any lesson reviewing shapes or color words.
Shapes and colors used are orange square, purple circle, green triangle, brown rectangle, blue diamond, red heart, and yellow star.
Children imagine and draw their own insect.