Four easily-reproducible pumpkin patterns.
Simple pumpkin cutouts without lines. One full-page pumpkin and three smaller pumpkins.
Cute piggy coloring worksheet. Free printable PDF format.
Books are beary special is a coloring page that can be used to teach the importance of book. The children can color it in as they learn.
Coloring worksheet for learning Long and Short "E" - egg, elk, elephant, elbow, eagle, eel, ear
Coloring page with bees and flowers celebrating springtime.
Circle the pictures whose names begin like violin.
Coloring sheet for the letter "V" - images include vase, volcano, vest, vacuum, van
Coloring page with flowers celebrating springtime.
Five pages of healthy and beautiful fruits and vegetables perfect for identifying and coloring.
Using this coloring book, students can learn to count and match pictures to numbers with a catchy chant about potatoes.
A color and cut page for St. Patrick's Day. Leprechauns are Irish elves. Color and cut out the leprechaun and paste him beside the pot of gold.
Folded plates that look like seashells are a great way to demonstrate the relationship between a number, its number word, and its value.
Identify each food, and then color the foods to make a beautiful and healthful fruit salad.
Valentine coloring page for students.
A St. Patrick's Day coloring page with a leprechaun and clovers.
Color the box(es) that represent the fraction.
Find each of these points on the graph above. Make a dot in the correct place. Label each dot with the correct letter. Connect the dots, color the tree!