
Have children show the time by recording a number on the digital clock and drawing the hour hand on the analog clock.  

Published in Math

Thirty minutes past hour: Look at each clock, write the time.

Published in Math

There is a difference of 10 minutes on each clock.  Trace the minute hand on each clock.  Write the time on the lines.  

Published in Math

Clock practice worksheet: 10 minutes past the hour

Published in Math

Now, the time is ____.  Two hours earlier, the time was _____.  Draw the hands on each clock.  Write the time on the lines.

Published in Math

Quarter To: Look at each clock, write the time on the lines

Published in Math

Telling Time: Hour and Half-Hour Review

Published in Math

Look at each clock.  Write the time on the lines.  

Published in Math

Have children write the time to the hour that is shown on each clock.  

Published in Math

Look at each clock.  Write the time.  

Published in Math

Have children circle the picture using a yellow crayon if it happens in the morning, a red crayon in the afternoon, and blue if it happens in the evening or night.  Then have them circle the clock showing the time that matches the picture logically.  

Published in Math

Write the time or draw the hands to match.  Printable PDF worksheet for reading and writing time.  Analog and digital.  

Published in Math

Read aloud the time on a clock.  Show the same time on your punchout clock.  Put one of your counters on the clock.  Try to get 4 counters in a row or column.

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Worksheet with 5 clocks, each set to various times (e.g. 7:15)

Published in Math

Worksheet containing 9 clocks, each set to a "full hour" (e.g. 7:00)

Published in Math

For each exercise, have children look at the clock and write the time to the hour for each activity.  Have children circle the picture using a yellow crayon if it happens in the morning, a red crayon if it happens in the afternoon, and a blue crayon if it happens in the evening.  

Published in Math