Classroom Management

Instructional learning formats measures ways in which teachers maximize children's interest, engagement, and ability to learn from lessons and activities.  In classrooms with effective instructional learning formats, teachers provide instruction using many modalities, such as visual, oral, and movement, look for opportunities to actively engage children, and facilitate learning during group lessons, centers, and on-one-one time. 

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The CLassroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) is an observation tool that focuses on the  effectiveness of classroom interactions among teachers and children, because it is these daily interactions that promote children's social and cognitive development.  Children thrive when teachers create nurturing, well-managed settings and provide frequent and engaging opportunities to learn.  28 pages.  

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  • Flexibility and Student focus
  • Support for autonomy and leadership
  • Student expression
  • Restriction of movement
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Concept development refers to teachers' ways of making learning conceptual and facilitating children's broader understanding of concepts and ides. This is better than concentrating solely on rote instruction and recall of facts.

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Effective feedback helps children obtain a deeper understanding of concepts and provides motivation for children to stay ingaged in, and get the most from, lessons and activities.

Indicators: Scaffolding, feedback loops, prompting thought processes, providing information, encouragement and affirmation.


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Language modeling is when teachers model language when they intentionally encourage, respond to and expand on children's speech. There are indicators that can be used to evaluate the language

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In classrooms with a strong positive climate, teachers and children are enthusiastic about learning and respectful of one another.  Indicators of positive climate: Relationships, Positive Affect, Positive Communication, Respect

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The teacher sensitivity handout gives information on how teachers can be sensitive to the students needs. It also explains why sensitivity is important in the classroom.

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Negative climate refers to the level of expressed negativity such as anger, hostility or aggression shown by teachers and/or children. This handout can help teachers keep the negativity out of the classroom. It shows what to look for and gives suggestions on how to reduce the negativity.

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The Early Finisher Workbook can be handed out to students who finish their schoolwork early. The handbook has several fun activities for the students to complete.

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Behavioral management strategies can be used to establish a classroom plan to help manage a student's behavior. It evaluates the student's good behavior as well as the concerning behaviors. This will allow the teacher to develop a plan to help with the student's behavior.

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The classroom behavior plan gives students 3 behaviors to follow. They are following the teacher's directions, being kind to other students and participating in class.

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Classroom tray task observation chart is a good way to track students' progress with the different tray tasks set up by the teacher.

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A simple 6 step process for washing hands.  English and spanish.  Print and post flyer near sink.  

Published in Health & Wellness

Teacher, I'm Done!! Now What Can I Do?

Published in Teaching Tools