
Trace this flower and practice the pincer grip... Or use play dough and practice rolling and forming the dough into a colorful flower!

Published in Language Arts

Trace the dotted lines to practice making curves and circles.

Published in Language Arts

Have children follow the directions and color the shapes.  Can be used to assess shape or color word identification.

Published in Math

Color the shapes to finish the picture. 

Published in Math

This game is played like the memory match card game.

Published in Math

Get creative and turn each shape into a picture!  Includes circle, square, and rectangle worksheets.

Published in Math

Each group leader needs to rate each group member based on the work he/she did and how well the work was done.  Please give this a great deal of thought.  Please rate each member using the following scale: 1 for poor work to 5 for outstanding work.  


  • Accepts work responsibility with a good attitude
  • Participates in group discussion every day
  • Turns in each assignment on time
  • Turns in quality work
  • Stays on task
Published in Reading