
Use this form to assess a young infant's language skills.

Published in Teaching Tools

The Diebels assessment manual will give instructions on how to administer and assess the DIBELS test to students. There are step by step instructions as well as examples on how to complete these tests with your class. 

Directions: Make sure you have reviewed the scoring rules in the DIBELS Assessment Manual and have them available. Say these specific directions to the students:


Published in Teaching Tools

The CLassroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) is an observation tool that focuses on the  effectiveness of classroom interactions among teachers and children, because it is these daily interactions that promote children's social and cognitive development.  Children thrive when teachers create nurturing, well-managed settings and provide frequent and engaging opportunities to learn.  28 pages.  

Published in Teaching Tools

Overview of the 6 assessment standards, purposes of assessments, problems used for instruction/assessment, types of assessments, and scoring rubrics. (2 pages)

Published in Math

This visual gives basic milestones for young children up to five years old.

It includes four categories:

  • Social/Emotional
  • Language/Communication
  • Cognitive
  • Movement/Physical Development
Published in For Parents

Uppercase alphabet assessment - I can name these uppercase letters (with check boxes)

Published in Language Arts

Dolch sight word list: 3rd grade reading level

Published in Teaching Tools

4 page assessment rubric: Social Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Studies, The Arts, English Language, Development

Published in Teaching Tools

Child Development Assessment for Parents is a document laying out the process of assessing a child's development. It has different assessment activities as well as detailed information on the process.

Published in For Parents

A positive attitude toward people with disabilities is important.  One way to determine your attitude is through your language.  Your words, while not intended to be negative, may be interpreted by people with disabilities as negative, or even insulting.  

Published in Language Arts

The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium

Published in Teaching Tools

Skills and concepts: feels confident about reading, knows front cover, holding the book right side up, locates the title and knows how it works, anticipates the story, explores pictures, intereprets pictures, knwos begining, can carry the storyline, predictions...

Published in Reading

The sight word assessment has sight words for units 1-6.

Published in Reading

Assessing the student's concepts about print. For this assessment, sit with the student in a quiet place, and use a short picture book from your classroom. the print should be large enough and the words spaced far enough apart that you can easily see where a child is pointing. The book should also have a variety of punctuation marks.

Published in Teaching Tools

Dear Parents: Recently, your child completed a reading assessement for the month of _____. This assessment is designed to do many things. One, it helps me determine any areas of weakeness that need to be addressed. Two, it gives you an idea of how your child is performing in a classroom setting.

Published in Reading

This assessment can be used to evaluate and assess students in several areas. The teacher can observe and evaluate how the students are indifferent play situations.

Published in Teaching Tools

The Oregan assessment for 3–5-year-olds in developmentally appropriate classroom shows what the state of Oregan has set as appropriate standards for their students. It has several categories that it uses to evaluate the students.

Published in Teaching Tools