Holiday Worksheets (150)

Dive into our delightful collection of holiday-themed worksheets designed to engage students while celebrating special occasions throughout the year. From Valentine's Day to Christmas, and everything in between, our resources offer a blend of academic content and seasonal cheer.

Reinforce the concept of symmetry with this Valentine's Day heart activity.
A simple coloring sheet to go along with Groundhog Day.
A poem remembering Martin Luther King by Myra Cohn Livingston.
This graph can be used more than one way!  A great way to introduce many math concepts.
Use this heart-shaped story map with or without the book.
Some ideas for a bulletin board to go along with students' predictions. Groundhog day, punxsutawney phil, weather forecasting
Treat moms to a special song!
Young children will love these Thanksgiving activities!  There are songs, costume ideas, book suggestions, bulletin board ideas, and recipes for Play dough Bead Necklaces and Pumpkin Pie Dough.
Challenge students to use the letters from "Who is your favorite Valentine" to create as many words as they can!
A list of ideas for the 100th day of school.  Includes science, art, and math activities as well as songs and snacks.
Students will enjoy these 6 pages creative activities relating to Martin Luther King Jr.
Use the letters from "What is your favorite trick or treat, and why?" to make as many new words as possible.
Activity Sheet for December: Choose at least three activities each week for your child to do as homework. Check the square when an activity has been completed. Parents may sign and return the sheet to the teacher at the end of the month. Other Months:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneOctoberNovember
Use this pattern to decorate for fall!
Any mother would love this adorable book from their child!
Activity Sheet for March: Choose at least three activities each week for your child to do as homework. Check the square when an activity has been completed. Parents may sign and return the sheet to the teacher at the end of the month. Other Months:JanuaryFebruaryAprilMayJuneOctoberNovemberDecember
A packet that features different Valentine's Day themed art activities, crafts, games, snacks, and more!
This foldable book helps children learn about Kwanzaa.
Activity Sheet for April: Choose at least three activities each week for your child to do as homework. Check the square when an activity has been completed. Parents may sign and return the sheet to the teacher at the end of the month. Other Months:JanuaryFebruaryMarchMayJuneOctoberNovemberDecember