Reading (954)

Welcome to Love to Teach's Reading Resources hub, where educators can find a treasure trove of materials to foster literacy skills in their students. Whether you're focusing on phonics, comprehension, or literary analysis, our curated collection has something for every level and interest. Dive into our comprehensive selection of lesson plans, worksheets, interactive games, and more, designed to ignite a love for reading and cultivate critical thinking.

Easy lessons for teaching word families
In sixth grade, students are beginning to wonder about themselves and their future. Eager to know what their place in the world will be, they are exploring and discovering their talents. The sixth grader may enjoy books about other students on this journey of self-discovery, as well as books related to their own talents and interests. We recommend that sixth graders read 300 minutes the first three months and increase by 50 minutes each of the last three months.
Use wide highlight tape to highlight lowercase letters on the alphabet chart.   Separate or cut apart alphabet cards to space the letters Put alphabet cards on background paper to provide contrast... (3 page packet)
Helping to make and play homemade instruments is a fun activity for preschoolers.  Each child can make a different instrument or they can all make the same one.  Here are some simple instruments to make:
Have children circle the cat and the bird outside their houses and the child and the dog inside the house.  
Warning: Reading Den Ahead Read your heart out I'm off an an adventure!