Reading (954)

Welcome to Love to Teach's Reading Resources hub, where educators can find a treasure trove of materials to foster literacy skills in their students. Whether you're focusing on phonics, comprehension, or literary analysis, our curated collection has something for every level and interest. Dive into our comprehensive selection of lesson plans, worksheets, interactive games, and more, designed to ignite a love for reading and cultivate critical thinking.

Story map worksheet, flow chart format
Write the story starter you like best in the space below. Imagine that you could become invisible whenever you wanted to. What are some of the things you would do? The perfect place in the whole wide world is ___________ because … If I were a turtle living in a pond, I would … Pretend that you can fly whenever you want. Where would you go? Pretend that there is no such thing as television, internet, or video games. How would you spend your time? If I could choose a different name, I would choose… My favorite outfit is… What questions would you like to ask animals and what would their answers be? What is your dream vacation? Write a poem about your favorite person, animal, or place. If you could be a superhero, what extraordinary powers would you have? Who is a hero of yours? Explain why this person means so much to you. If I could change places with my parents for one day, I would ... If you could decorate your room any way possible, what would you do? Name one sport you would like to be really good at and why. What is the best present you’ve ever received (or gave) and why? With my best friend, I like to ... If I had three wishes, I would wish for ... Story Starters
by H.A. Rey - George, the curious little monkey, goes on an adventure in this classic story and seems to find trouble around every corner.
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We recognize _____ for reading their HEART out!  (Fillable PDF template)
Basic 1 page "5 senses" flyer with the five senses listed out and a picture for each.  Black & white.
Printable bookmark template: Name, Title, Author; List favorite or important pages, quotes, scenes, interesting or unknown words.
Draw your character.  Then describe what it looks like, where it lives, likes to do, and eat.  
Why was it important for the author to include informatoin about Lou Gehrig's parents? Use details from the story to support your answer.