Math (451)

Whether you're teaching basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or calculus, our comprehensive collection covers a wide range of topics and grade levels. From interactive games and worksheets to lesson plans and hands-on activities, our resources are designed to make math learning enjoyable and meaningful for learners of all abilities.

Write the correct letter on the blank line next to each decimal.  
Write the decimal and fraction shown by each square - tenths only.  
Measure each object using the ruler shown.  Round to the nearest centimeter.  Includes two worksheets.  
A short multiple choice addition test includes pictures for each question.
A handy chart to help children visualize addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
This variation of Pascal's triangle with challenge kids to figure out which numbers are missing from the triangle.
These 3 worksheets are a great way to get students thinking about addition, not just memorizing it!
Have children follow the directions and color the shapes.  Can be used to assess shape or color word identification.
Write the correct decimal on the blank line next to each letter.  
Color the shapes to finish the picture. 
Nearest minute worksheet: write the time shown on each clock.  
This fun actiity reviews adding and subtracting 1 and 10 from the number 20.
Give students practice adding and subtracting 1 and 10 from the given numbers.
Children can cut and paste (or draw) the hands on the clocks to match the given time.
This packet includes 10 pages of simple addition problems with pictures.
This chart includes a star to mark the multiples of 5.
This game practices addition of coins and is played in groups or teams.  Download includes instruction sheet and game board.  Rules can be modified.
This enrichment activity will review addition and subtraction while reinforcing fractions with common denominators.
Find each answer and color it on the bingo board.  If you get bingo, draw a line through the winning row.