Math (451)

Whether you're teaching basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or calculus, our comprehensive collection covers a wide range of topics and grade levels. From interactive games and worksheets to lesson plans and hands-on activities, our resources are designed to make math learning enjoyable and meaningful for learners of all abilities.

Which attribute could you measure with the tool shown? Measuring with paperclips.  Does Felix have enough money?
Have children color 3 dollars green and 5 quarters yellow.  Ask children to find the total value of the bills.  
Volume is the measure of the inside of a solid figure.  Volume is measure in cubic units.  A cubic unit is a cub with edges that are each 1 unit long.  To find the volume of a rectangular prism, follow these steps:
Draw shapes to show what could come next in the pattern.  
In each exercise have children circle the "hot thermometer" or the "cold thermometer" to show which goes with the items of clothing.  
Have children draw in the hour hand to show the time; add the hour hand and he correct number to show 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock.  
You can use your hand to measure.  Use your hand to measure the objects below.  
With letter to send home to parents
Numbers worksheet one to ten train printable activities
Worksheet for counting nickels and pennies, one page, 10 problems to solve.
Which tool would you use...?  Use mental math... write the missing numbers... 
Have children color to continue the pattern.  
Turn to the last page of this book.  Cut out the clocks for page 12.  Now read the sentence with each picture.  Paste each clock in the correct place.  
In Uganda, shibiri and mokono are used as units of measure.  Use each unit to measure a table in your classroom.  Did you use more shibiri units or more mkono units?  Explain your answer.  
Find three objects and measure their length or height.  Draw a picture or write the name of each object.  Then measure one using inches, one using feet, and one using yards.  
Solve single and double digit multiplication problems; multiply factors up to 3 digits by a 2 digit factor.  Example problem: 107 x 35 = _____
Count the number of crayons in the box and color the cubes to tell how many; count the number of rulers in the box and color the cubes to tell how many; count the number of apples on the plate and color the cubes to tell how many; count the number of flowers in the vase to tell how many.  (some are zero)
There are three ways to say this time: quarter after 1, quarter past 1, 1:15: match the times below.
Have children circle the gray standing animals.  Then have them sort the animals in a different way by drawing an X over the animals with a different pair of attributes in common (e.g. white horses, sitting sheep, etc)