Math (451)

Whether you're teaching basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or calculus, our comprehensive collection covers a wide range of topics and grade levels. From interactive games and worksheets to lesson plans and hands-on activities, our resources are designed to make math learning enjoyable and meaningful for learners of all abilities.

64 math problems, addition, multiplication, division, subtraction combined
Identify / classify / compare two dimensional figures (circle, triangle, square, parallelogram, trapezoid, thrombus, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon)
I'm Tommy TriangleLook at me!Count my sidesOne, two, three
Learn shapes using this free printable santa worksheet.  
Math quiz for geometry skills: area, length, division
Write the coordinate points from the given graph (6 points, A through F)
Kara is making punch for a party. She can use 2 of these tools to measure the punch.  Which should she use?
How do you locate fractions and decimals on a number line?  Use the number lien to name the fraction or deimal that should be written at each point.  
Have children write the time to the hour that is shown on each clock.  
Shelby Star is my nameShining brightly is my gameWith five sparkly points and lots of sides, too.With wishes I make dreams come true.
24 page packet: various animals and objects, made of common shapes.  For example the penguin is made from 1 hexagon, 7 diamonds, 1 square...
Use this printable worksheet to create your own two-sided coin flash cards.
Count on.  The write how much money in all.  Circle the toy you can buy. Solve the riddles.  Count dimes by 10, count nickels by 5.
Perimeter and area worksheet: use square tiles, make a square, find the perimeter.  
Analog Clock Worksheet: Ten Minutes to the Hour - Look at the time below each clock.  Draw the hands in the correct places.  
Write a fraction to describe which part of the shapes shown are trapezoids.  
Laura earns $6.70 a week walking dogs.  How much is that in dollars and dimes?
Circle the object that is about each length.  Includes photos of common objects for estimating...