Math (451)

Whether you're teaching basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or calculus, our comprehensive collection covers a wide range of topics and grade levels. From interactive games and worksheets to lesson plans and hands-on activities, our resources are designed to make math learning enjoyable and meaningful for learners of all abilities.

Professor Ben Around loves discovering wonders of the night sky as he looks through the biggest telescope in the United States.  Where is he?  To find out, divide.  Use the star decoder to find the letter that matches each quotient.  
25 addition problems.  Number values add up into the thousands.  
Color the box(es) that represent the fraction.  
Now, the time is ____.  Two hours earlier, the time was _____.  Draw the hands on each clock.  Write the time on the lines.
Sammy square is my name,My four sides are just the same.Turn me around, I don't care.I'm always the same.I'm Sammy Square.  
Children taste three types of apples: granny smith, red delicious, and golden delicious, and select their favorite.  The results are recorded on a graph.
Fraction review worksheet: mixed numbers, improper fractions, number lines, word problem
Find each of these points on the graph above.  Make a dot in the correct place.  Label each dot with the correct letter.  Connect the dots, color the tree!
Rules for rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand.
Analog Clock Worksheet: Quarter To / Quarter Till - Look at the time below each clock.  Draw the hands in the correct places.  
Cat in the Hat Connect the Dots: Complete the dot-to-dot by connecting the numbers in correct order.  Then color the picture!  
Analog Clock Worksheet: Quarter After - Look at the time below each clock.  Draw the hands in the correct places.  
This graph reinforces identity issues.  Each child decides which column is closes to his or her hair color.  
Examples of shapes at school and home.  
This book shows many times I can do each activity in one minute.  Hop on one foot, say the alphebet, clap my hands, count to 20, touch my toes.  
Write the fraction and the decimal for each.  Rewrite the numbers as fractions or decimals.  
Find the total cost of the items shown.  Show your work.  
2 page worksheet: numbers one through eight with number lines to practice writing.  
Long division with dollar signs and decimal points.  
Worksheet of fraction strips ranging from 1/1 to 1/12.